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ASTK - Aster

[under construction - nearly empty box]

For the calculations we need two input files:

  • mesh file, this has been discussed in the previous part
  • command file, a list of commands for processing by Aster

Several output files and a directory are generated by Aster, the most common are:

  • error file, *.err
  • message file, *.mess
  • results mesh file, with displacements, stresses, strains of the elements and nodes
  • base folder, for storage intermediate results


The interface between the input files, output files and Aster is called ASTK. All the input and output files are defined. Other parameters, eg memory, maximum cpu time can be controlled here.

Kw ASTK shell.gif

The file, configuration, we will discuss later.
For normal use, tick Study.
Base path is the working directory for this process.

The input row for the file names is used for the link between the filenames and the logical unit numbers (UNITE in the command file). From left to right the meaning of the columns, we take as example the second row:

  • type is mesh or mmed file
  • server is local, but <hostname> is also correct
  • file name is ./
  • file is input, D is ticked
  • logical unit LU is 20, corresponding to UNITE=20 in the command file

Default numbers and types