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V shaped construction under plastic deformation

The V shaped is defined by an extrusion of a V shaped face.

Kw vshape1.jpg * Kw vshape2.jpg

Three planes are defined in the geometry: Pleft and Pright for applyind boundary conditions (dx=dy=dz=0) and Pforce for defining a prescribed displacement in y direction.

The definition of the geometry as well as the meshing is given in the Python input file.
In the geometry module of Salome select File --> Load Script (or ctrl T) and thereafter the file:

General procedure of the calculation

The general procedure of the calculation is as follows:

read the mesh
apply the non linear material properties of the construction
define the boundary conditions
define the maximum load, in this case a maximum displacement at the plane Pforce
define 'time' and 'load' increments: here we define an increase multiplication factor for the loads from 0 to 1, then constant during a small time and decreasing from 1 to 0 again.
perform the analysis
define results in a med-file for Salome, in this case, displacements, vonMises and plastic stresses
print results in a file, notably the displacements of the plane Pforce and its corresponding forces.